“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
T.S. Eliot
I am a witch. I am a Goddess. I am a mystic. I am a healer. I am a seer. I am a guide. I help people understand the energetic systems and cycles that make up our world so you can take advantage of them and consciously create a life you love to live.
elspth is a spiritual teacher and entrepreneur here to help guide women towards the truth of who they are through self discovery, healing and manifestation. My mission is to encourage women to create a life they love to live and embrace the full expression of their soul’s purpose.
As I write this in the year 2024, we are embarking on a new 20 year cycle as marked by Pluto’s movement into the sign of Aquarius as well as the start of Period 9 in Chinese metaphysics. There are many of us who have signed the contract to be on earth at this time to do this work. Each of us having our own unique flavor and focus. I have spent the last 20 years of my life learning and understanding the systems of energies that our world operates within, walking my own personal, spiritual path to arrive at the place I am today. My reason for incarnation is to be here at this time and in this place to teach and act as guide to others who are on the journey of self discovery, healing, manifesting, and awakening. I am here to help light the path so you can find your way back to yourself, to the truth of who you are as a soul, to embody the full expression of who you are. That is all that will ever be asked of us.
Our paths may not always align, but when they do, let us walk hand in hand and when they part, let us do so with love in our hearts.